All you need to know about our internships
Interns will get an in-depth insight into EU sport policy, will contribute to daily and long-term tasks of the Office, and will thus contribute to promoting the interests of the organised sport movement in the EU. The EOC EU Office accepts applications from both students of master programmes and recent graduates.

Your profile

The EOC EU Office is not only the voice of the Olympic movement in Brussels but also engages concretely in the development of certain policy fields.


  • Undergraduate degree in political science, European studies, international relations, economics, law, sport management or communications

Knowledge and skills

  • Proficient language skills in English. German, French or other European languages are a plus
  • Knowledge of the EU institutional framework
  • Knowledge of EU law, interest in European politics, knowledge of EU funding opportunities are an asset
  • Knowledge of European Sports structures
  • Communications skills are a plus

General attitude

  • Ability to work in a multicultural environment
  • Ability to work in a team
  • High-level of proactivity

Mains responsibilities

One of the main missions of the EOC EU Office is to analyse, evaluate, and assess the impact of EU policies and legislation on the organised sport in Europe, and to promote and defend its interests therein. Consequently, the tasks of the interns will be to:

  • Assist the EOC EU Office team with monitoring European legislative procedures and policy developments, and analysing the impact of EU policies on sport
  • Support the Office with the management of EU-funded projects and with advising partners on EU funding opportunities
  • Attend sport-related events, conferences and meetings organised by the EU institutions and other stakeholders in Brussels and report to the EOC EU Office team and partners
  • Assist the EOC EU Office with the organisation of its own events and meetings
  • Perform research tasks for ongoing files

How to apply?

The EOC EU Office offers internships of 3 to 6 months in two periods: September to January, and February to July. Interested students and recent graduates are requested to select one of the two periods and to apply before the applicable deadline. As a general rule, the EOC EU Office does not accept internships for the month of August.

PeriodApplication deadline
September to January (5 months)30 April
February to July (6 months)15 October

Applicants are asked to send a recent CV and a motivation letter to our office manager Laura Hardman and to indicate the preferred length of their internship (3-6 months) and availability during the chosen period.

All applicants will be notified of the receipt of their application. Results of the selection procedure will be announced shortly after the respective application deadline.

Trainees’ Testimonials

A unique opportunity to gain insight into the sports movement and its relationship with the EU

07/2024 France
Over 7 months, I immersed myself in the intersection of sports and EU politics, gaining valuable insights into how EU legislation influences the sports industry. Crafting reports and articles for updates deepened my understanding of the European and international sports landscape, as well as the sector's engagement with European institutions to address future challenges. This internship was the perfect experience, integrating my European affairs studies with my passion for sports. Working with Olympic Committees and Federations across Europe, I developed a strong grasp of the European sports model. I undertook various responsibilities, including assisting with the EU co-funded projects GAMES, OCEAN and SIGGS3.0 aimed at enhancing equality, sustainability, and good governance within National Olympic Committees and Federations.

This traineeship reinforced my belief in the transformative power of sport on society. I hope future trainees find inspiration and fulfilment during their time at the office!


A fantastic opportunity!

06/2024 Romania
The 4 months as a trainee at the EOC EU Office were undoubtedly a prolific and intense professional and personal development journey.

The versatile role of the intern in the dynamics of the office is a valuable opportunity that engages you in a continuous and complex skills and knowledge evolution process. Here you will surely enhance your knowledge about EU policies and their influence on the sports movement, about the European Sports Model, and the Olympic values and their impact on today’s society, learn about the funding opportunities provided by the EU for the sports movement (especially by working on EU-funded projects of the EOC EU Office) and explore other sport-related topics. You will also have the chance to sharpen an extended range of useful skills such as reporting, monitoring, social media communication, managing events organization and networking.

The activity in the office has significantly broadened my expertise in the above mentioned fields and gave me the chance to improve as both a professional and human being, thanks to the climate the team provides, being elite professionals who want to help you grow by giving you plenty of opportunities to help or learn.

Wish all the best for all the future trainees! Stay curious and sharp. Be always ready to help. Be yourself.


An enriching time, both at a professional and personal level!

03/2024 France
For over 7 months, I had the chance to deepen my knowledge in sports and politics from an EU affairs’ perspective. Indeed, representing Olympic Committees and Federations across Europe, allowed me to acquire some expertise on EU legislative developments and their impact on the sports industry. I also gained a strong understanding of the European sports model as well as the Olympic Games’ system. In particular, through EU-funded projects coordinated by the office, I had the opportunity to work closely with Olympic Committees by supporting them in the development of strategies aiming at making their organisation more equal, sustainable and inclusive.

My traineeship at the EOC EU Office confirmed my belief that sport can make a difference at the societal level.

I wish future trainees to get inspired during their stay at the office!


About us

The EOC EU Office is the House of European Sport, representing the European Olympic Committees (EOC), the IOC and other major sport organisations to the European institutions in Brussels.
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