The EOC EU Office is the House of European Sport, representing the European Olympic Committees (EOC) to the European institutions. It furthermore represents the interests of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and other major sport organisations at national, European and international level.
Identify, monitor and analyse policy topics of relevance to sport at EU level and EU-funding opportunities for sport organisations
Inform our partners on ongoing developments at European level and potential impact/interest for sport
Provide support for and promote the interests of our partners at EU level
Organise and attend events, seminars and conferences
Manage EU sport-related projects and coordinate sport organisations active in EU projects
Which policy areas we cover
1. Societal role of sport, including: environment and climate, gender equality, education and training, health, physical activity, social inclusion, equal opportunities and volunteering
2. Economic dimension of sport, including: employment, licensing, media rights, online piracy, regional development, competition policy, state aid and taxation policy
3. Integrity of sport, including: safe sport, the fight against corruption in sport, against doping and against match-fixing
4. Financing of sport, especially the sustainable financing of sport and funding opportunities for sport provided by the EU-funding Programmes
5. Good Governance in sport and the organisation of sport in general

Spyros Capralos, EOC President, addressing the participants during the sixth edition of the European Evening of Sports in 2022