On 6-7 June, Member States representatives and sport organisations involved in the European Commission Expert Group on Green Sport gathered for their last meeting before Summer. The main objective was to approve the final text of the Recommendations for a common framework for sustainable sport, on which Expert Group members, including the EOC EU Office, have been working for the past year. The document includes recommendations to sport organisations and public authorities with regards to sustainable sport infrastructure and practices, alongside good practices and projects in place in sport organisations at all levels that can serve as inspiration. The recommendations will be shared with all partners once officially adopted this summer.
The meeting continued with presentations of activities to green professional sports by three sport organisations, namely the International Biathlon Union, Eintracht Frankfurt AG and FIFA, and an Erasmus+ project to measure football clubs’ environmental footprint led by Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies.
The EOC EU Office is actively taking part in the Expert Group on Green Sport’s activities, which also feed into the work on the Erasmus+ OCEAN project on NOCs’ carbon footprint.