On 6 October 2014, The European Commission and the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) published a new call for proposals for Erasmus+ including the sports chapter, together with the 2015 Programme Guide. In total 16,8 million EUR will be allocated for not-for-profit sport events and collaborative partnerships.
The biggest change compared to 2014 is the focus on the European Week of Sport (EWoS), an initiative launched by the Commission to promote sport and physical activity in the EU which will take place for the first time in September 2015. Consequently, the call for proposals distinguishes between a first round of proposals dealing with partnerships and events related to the EWoS, and a second round of proposals for collaborative partnerships and events NOT related to the European Week of Sport. Specific eligibility criteria exist for the different activities. These criteria are explained in detail in the Programme Guide. The deadlines for application are 22 January for the first round and 14 May 2015 for the second of proposals.
For more information:
Erasmus+ Guide 2015
Call for proposals