On 19 April 2021, the new interactive multilingual digital platform of the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE) was launched.
As the CoFoE’s hub, the platform offers different ways for Europeans to get involved in the European democratic process and share their ideas directly through the platform, or during labelled events mapped on it.
When entering the platform, it is possible to click on three options:
- 'Attend an event near you', leading to an online map identifying all in-person events labelled by the CoFoE and taking place in different European languages;
- 'Share your ideas' on chosen subjects among a list of targeted topics. Under a public chat format, participants can share their own ideas and receive endorsements and/or answers from others. It is also possible to follow some specific discussions or topics, and receive notifications each time someone is taking part in the public debate;
- 'Organise your event', offering access to guides that will help to organising successful events and contributing to the CoFoE objectives. Some tips on the functioning of the platform are also provided.
There is a large space for Europeans to express themselves - 10 broad key topics are being targeted: Climate change and the environment; Health; A stronger economy, social justice and jobs; EU in the world; Values and rights, rule of law, security; Digital transformation; European democracy; Migration; Education, culture, youth and sport; Other ideas.
Furthermore, rules of participation have been set up, and the platform moderators can hide messages that do not respect these rules.
An inaugural in-person event is scheduled to take place on Europe Day, on 9 May 2021 in Strasbourg, France.
As of today, more than 4 400 participants subscribed to the platform, 150 events have been registered, 800 ideas submitted and 1200 comments written.